Greetings, fellow WC3 fans! Here is a simple editor for WC3 savegames. Its operation is pretty trivial, just play around with it and you should have no trouble figuring it out. Here are some instructions to get you started: 1) Put wc3edit.exe in your wc3 savegame directory. 2) Run wc3edit. 3) When asked for a filename, type in the last two digits (00-99) of the savegame you wish to edit. 4) The rest is easy. Have fun! :) 5) Notes: a) It is recommended that you use the mission selector pre-briefing while the others post-briefing. You might get errors otherwise. b) If Excalibur, Cloak setting doesn't work, don't worry, it doesn't work for me either. Oh, and all the usual disclaimers apply: 1) The author will not be held responsible for any damage(s) done in anyway to anything during the use of this freeware utility including the destruction of this world, should it ever occur. 2) This program and the author are not affiliated with Origin. Well, at least not at the present time... so don't direct any questions to or place any blame on them. 3) This text file must be included with the program. All copyright laws are hereby invoked! Bewarned!!! Thou shalt be haunted for all eternity by the giant one-ton tomato if thou art ever caught doing otherwise! Credits: Many thanks to Michael Miroslav Korcok ( for his info on WC3 savegames. I wouldn't have figured out how to change ship otherwise. :) Comments, suggestions, corrections? As usual, any feedback is appreciated! :)