Wing Commander II Missions 1 The Missions of Wing Commander II There are a total of eighty-seven missions in Wing Commander II, grouped in twenty-two different series and three campaigns. The three campaigns will be referred to as: Enigma, Special Operations 1, and Special Operations 2. For each mission, I will list the following information: your fighter, your wingmate, your orders, encounters, objectives, and possible effects on the campaign. I will also list where ejecting would send you. This will be followed by a text description of the mission, where I make note of any special strategies, tactics, and precautions. Terran Pilots You fly with nine different pilots in the three Wing Commander II campaigns: Shadow, Hobbes, Doomsday, Spirit, Stingray, Angel, Jazz, Maniac, and the ubiquitous generic pilot. You start the campaign flying with Shadow. Shadow's only a reservist, so you can't expect her to be the best pilot in the game, but she seems a good sight better than anyone was in WC I. Actually, she seems pretty good compared to many you fly with in this game also. Too bad you don't get more missions with her. I'm sure Origins had to search far and wide to find someone with a Texas accent to do her voice. Hobbes is a Kilrathi, but fights on our side. The player character seems to be a bit prejudiced against him at the start of the campaign, and I'm glad he loses that attitude in the end. I mean, how can he expect anyone to give him a fair shake if he won't give Hobbes one? As for his piloting skills: aggressive, but otherwise average as this game goes. Doomsday is as depressing as ever, and I'd love to be around when he finally says something cheerful. He's not a great pilot, but he doesn't have a habit of shooting at me either. Spirit is a good wingmate, but she's distracted by something. You'd think she'd have forgotten her finace in these ten years, but Spirit seems to be the slave to duty. Stingray is not my favorite wingmate, but perhaps that's because he and I have not gotten along very well during thisgame. I find him very tough to work with. No matter what target I choose, I manage to hit him while I'm firing at it, even if I selected a target that he was nowhere near. Wing Commander II Missions 2 Angel is your CO, but also occasionally your wingmate. As in the original game, you have to make sure you don't get too close to Angel, as I still have a habit if hitting her when I'm not careful (then again, that's true with anyone when I'm in a Broadsword). Jazz is a piano player who does nothing but insult you in this campaign. Too bad you can't just blow him out of space. As for Maniac, I think the less said, the better. The generic pilots are not all that great_in fact many complain that they take on more hits from them than from the Kilrathi. But what do you expect from a pilot without an independent identity? Wing Commander II Missions 3 Terran Fighters There are seven different Terran fighters in Wing Commander II. The first five are used in the Enigma campaign as well as in at least one of the subsequent campaigns, while he remaining two are used only in one of the Special Operations campaigns. Each fighter is suited for a particular type of mission. Unfortunately, the fighter you are assigned is not always suitable for the mission you are flying. Fighter Class: Ferret (Super Ferret) Energy Weapons: 2 Mass Drivers Loadout: None ordnance (2 HS on Super Ferret) Top Speed: 500 Special: Afterburners, No damage control screen The Ferret is designed primarily for patrols, so it is streamlined to provide as much speed as possible. As such, it has the worst armament of any fighter in the game. The addition of HS missiles in Special Operations 1 helps, but you still don't want to be in one of these things when a real fight begins. Its 12 missons in the three campaigns is more than I care to have. Fighter Class: Rapier Energy Weapons: 2 Laser Cannons, 2 Particle Cannons Loadout: 2 DF, 2 HS, 2 FF, 1 CP Top Speed: 450 Special: Afterburners The Rapier is the only fighter from WCI that's still in service in WCII. I never got the hang of the Rapier, and even with its improved loadout it is a bit of trouble. Its main trouble is its small viewscreen, which is exacerbated by the faster speeds of the present day Kilrathi. The lack of an ITTS is no help either. This fighter is used in 14 missions. Fighter Class: Epee Energy Weapons: 2 Particle Cannons Loadout: 2 DF, 2 HS, 2 CP Top Speed: 480 Special: Afterburners, ITTS The Epee is the state-of-the-art light fighter of Wing Commander II. It is almost as fast as a Ferret and much better armed. Its only real problem is its paper thin armor, but then what pilot depends on Durasteel to stay alive? One of the mission briefings implies that there is a strike loadout for this fighter, but it is never used (which is just as well, as I think it's rather silly using a light fighter as a strike fighter). Its best missions are raids against freighters, as well as any mission where light enemy craft are expected. Personally, I think it is underrepresented in the game, drawing only 5 missions in all three campaigns. Wing Commander II Missions 4 Fighter Class: Sabre Energy Weapons: 2 Partible, 2 Mass Drivers, 2 Rear Turret Neutron Guns Loadout: 4 IR, 2 FF, 2 DF, 2 CP Strike Loadout: 4 IR, 2 FF, 2 TORP Heavy Strike: 2 IR, 6 TORP, 1 CP Top Speed: 400 Special: Afterburners, ITTS, Tractor Beam The Sabre is the best fighter in the game. While it's slower than its lighter companions, it has more than enough arms and armor to make up for it. The Sabre is ideal for defense and strike missions, as well as clearance patrols. Its usefulness has earned it the distinction of garnering more missions than any other fighter: 23 in all. Fighter Class: Broadsword Energy Weapons: 3 Mass Drivers, 3 x 2 Turret Neutron Guns Loadout: 3 FF, 4 TORP, 1 CP Top Speed: 320 Special: Hyperdrive, ITTS, Tractor Beam The Broadsword is the slowest fighter in the game (actually, "Bomber" is the more appropriate term). I often find that smaller Kilrathi fighters simply fly rings around it, especially Sartha (who are, most fortunately, vulnerable to FF missiles). While you do have three gunners helping you, they aren't all that good (in fact, many are under the false impression that they never fire on their own). The Broadsword's only saving grace is its hyperdrive, which allows it to go on several missions that no other fighter is able to. My opinion is that the Broadsword should never be used in a mission that doesn't require a jump; but as it is used in 18 missions, less than half of which require a jump, my opinion means nothing. Fighter Class: Crossbow Energy Weapons: 3 Mass Drivers, 2 Neutron Guns, 2 Rear Neutron Guns Loadout: 3 FF, 4 TORP Top Speed: 370 Special: Hyperdrive, ITTS, Tractor Beam The Crossbow is little more than a souped-up Broadsword. The extra speed is appreciated, even at the expense of those side turrets, but is far from enough. It is used in only 6 missions in SO1. Fighter Class: Morningstar Energy Weapons: 3 Particle Cannons Loadout: 1 Mace Nuke, 2 IR, 2 TORP Top Speed: 400 Special: Afterburners, Hyperdrive (albeit buggy), ITTS The Morningstar was designed according to Maniac's specs, which does nothing to boost my confidence in it. Who else would place afterburners on a fighter with a hyperdrive? Think about it for a moment: if you jumped into enemy territory and used your AB, would you have any fuel left in which to return? Perhaps the new hyperdrive is more efficient than those in the Broadsword, but are all those bugs in it worth it? This fighter is used in 9 missions in SO2. Wing Commander II Missions 5 Enigma Missions Series 1: Gwynedd Fighter: Ferret Wingmate: Shadow VC: Fralthra Win: 2 Lose: 9 Ten years have passed since your heroics on the Tiger's Claw. Unfortunately, they were not a very good ten years for you. But it's time for you to get back into the war, as the Kilrahti are back. A Patrol 3 Nav Points and return to Caerdeveron Station Nav 1 3 Sartha Nav 2 Asteroid field Nav 3 3 Drakhri Eject Caerdeveron Station This mission is very similar to Enyo 1 in WC I, so it should give you veterans little trouble, unless you are rusty. Note that the Sartha are more dangerous than the old Salthi, since they are now armed with Neutron Guns. B Defend the Concordia Concordia 6 Sartha attacking the Concordia Eject Concordia This mission brings on the Concordia, which is being chased by Sartha. What can Sartha do to a carrier? Simple, tell a Fralthra where it's at. What do you think recon fighters are for? And look who are the two principal officers of the Concordia: your best friend and your worst enemy. Isn't this going to be an exciting stay? C Escort two Broadswords (Primetime & Kilroy) for a strike on a Fralthra Launch Rendevous with 2 Broadswords Nav Point Clear Fralthra 5 Sartha (Drakhai) and Fralthra (Series VC) Fralthra-Concordia 3 Jalkehi Eject Concordia You are to escort of a pair of Broadswords to attack the Fralthra that sent out those Sartha. Don't laugh at those Sartha, as a couple of those and a capital ship's big guns can tear a Broadsword to pieces. Take on those fighters and let the bombers do their job. Remember that this is not the old game, where a few Mass Driver shots will take out an enemy capital ship: don't even bother trying. If the Broadswords buy it before taking out the Fralthra, you'll find yourself on the alternate path. D Defend the Concordia Caerdeveron Receive distress signal from Concordia Concordia 4 Drakhri and Fralthra, followed by 5 Sartha Eject Kilrathi pick you up: campaign ends In this mission, you once again defend the Concordia. This time a Fralthra is along, just so that you know that the carrier can really be destroyed. Actually, the Concordia always wins this duel, but that's no reason to slack off. Too bad you lose Shadow when the second wave hits. It would have been nice to see someone return from this war alive. Wing Commander II Missions 6 Series 2: Niven Fighter: Ferret Wingmate: None VC: Automatic Win: 3 Lose: N/A There is treachery aboard the Concordia. While you are out on a mission, someone transmits the Concordia's position to the Kilrahti. Just to make things worse, the traitor also kills someone while performing the foul deed. Well, look at the bright side: no one can blame this one on you. Isn't it nice to be in the clear for a change? A Patrol 3 Nav Points in a Broadsword Nav 1 Clear Nav 2 3 Jalkehi Nav 3 2 Grikath Eject Concordia This mission is a patrol, but in a Broadsword. Why a Broadsword? Either Angel wanted to give you some flight hours in one, or the jump tracer can only work if installed on a fighter with a hyperdrive. Normally, I'd only recommend a Broadsword for a patrol requiring a jump. Does everyone hear someone die at the start of this mission, or am I doing something wrong? B Transport a message from the Admiral to Niven Nav Point 5 Sartha (Drakhai) Eject Niven For this mission, you are to deliver a message to Niven for the Admiral. Well, it at least puts you away from the scene during the murder. C Escort the Bhomis and Excalibur to the Jump Point Launch Rendevous with Bhomis and Excalibur Niven-Jump Point 4 Sartha Jump Point 3 Drakhri Eject Concordia This mission is an escort. Believe it or not, the fate of those medical supplies has no effect on the war. I suppose the supplies are replacable (the lives are not_at least not to the familes of the crews). Well, at least it's not Watson's Disease again. D Patrol 3 Nav Points and return to the Concordia Nav 1 Clear Nav 2 3 Strakha Nav 2-Concordia 3 Strakha Eject Concordia This mission is a patrol. You run into several stealth fighters (Strakha), but someone destroys your data recorder! Someone out there doesn't like you_most likely whoever killed the specialist. Wing Commander II Missions 7 Series 3: Ghorah Khar Fighter: Rapier Wingmate: Hobbes VC: Kemekh Win: 4 Lose: 10 Though everyone is jittery over the murder, you must continue to fight on. You are now in the one Kilrathi worlds that has joined the Confederation. I knew they weren't all bad. A Patrol 3 Nav Points and return to the Concordia Nav 1 3 Jalkehi Nav 2 4 Grikath (Kur) Nav 3 Clear Eject Concordia This mission is a simple patrol. Simple? Hah! Those Grikath are tough, especially when that Kur is piloting one (Kur's a real strange name for a cat, isn't it?). He's good_real good. The guy is flying circles about me, and I'm in a Rapier! I don't want to know what the Sartha ace would be like. B Escort the Free Trader Bonnie Heather to the Concordia Nav 1 3 Drakhri Bonnie Heather 6 Jalkehi attacking the Bonnie Heather Nav 2 Clear Eject Concordia For the next mission, you are to escort a civilian transport. What's important is not what's being carried, but who's piloting it: Paladin. Our old friend seems to be doing well enough. He is in the spy business these days (fortunately, for our side). Remember that Jalkehi can knock out a transport, though the matter's moot, as the Bonnie Heather is invulnerable (I wish more transports shared that trait). The computer identifies one of the Jalkehi as a Grikath, but it's definitely a Jalkehi. C Escort a pair of Broadswords (Alexia & Jaeger) to an enemy task force Launch 4 Sartha Nav Point Rendevous with 2 Broadswords (Alexia & Jaeger) Task Force 3 Grikath and a Kamekh (Series VC) Eject Olympus The Kilrathi plan to attack Olympus station with a task force. You are thus escorting a pair of Broadswords that is to knock out that task force. The Kemekh is the key to this series, so if the Broadswords fail to take it out, do it yourself (a Kamekh has no phase shields). D Defend Olympus Station Olympus Station 5 Drakhri, followed by 4 Jalkehi Eject Concordia Here you are to defend Olympus. I've yet to see anything here that could hurt it, but if they get air superiority in the area, you can be sure that the Grikath would soon follow. Actually, the fate of the Kamekh is more important than anything you do here, but that's no excuse for cowardice. Wing Commander II Missions 8 Series 4: Noveya Kiev Fighter: Broadsword Wingmate: Doomsday VC: Automatic Win: 5 Lose: N/A Time to keep moving and to strike the Kilrathi wherever you can. A Strike against K supply depot Jump Point Clear Jump Entry Rendevous with Valdez to refuel Valdez-Supply depot 4 Drakhri and 2 Dorkathi K Supply Depot 3 Jalekhi and 1 Dorkathi and K Supply Depot Eject Concordia This mission is a long one from the pilot's point-of-view, so that the fuel requirements are more than you can hold in a Broadsword's tank. Fortunately, you are able to rendevous with a fuel tanker after the first jump, allowing you to continue. As for the attack on the base itself, I suggest taking out the Dorkathi first, as it's easier to kill and its demise would mean fewer guns to run up against. B Search and Rescue for ejected Stingray Concordia-Stingray 4 Jalkehi Stingray 5 Drakhri and 2 Kamekh, with Stingray nearby Eject Concordia This mission is a patrol that gets interrupted for an S&R mission. Okay, Stingray's not the most pleasant pilot on the Concordia, but we might as well save him. How things've change since Vega! There you got medals left and right, and now you earn Reprimands. C Strike against a Fralthra Jump Point Clear on both sides Fralthra 4 Jalkehi and a Fralthra as Hector approaches Nav Point 4 Grikath Eject Concordia This mission is an attack against a Fralthra. You'll have to take it out yourself, as the Hector is no help in this battle. D Solo rendevous with ship carrying vital information (collect data pod) Jump Point 2 Drakhri After the jump 3 Sartha and a Ralatha, with data pod nearby Eject Concordia This mission is a solo attempt to get a communications pod (the ships that you were supposed to escort was destroyed before you got there). The Ralatha in this mission is very aggressive and is not easy to take out. The best I've been able to do was to lead the Ralatha away from the pod area and then return to get the pod and scram. Oh, if there was a mission built for using FF missiles, this is the one: save them for the Sartha and let them loose. Wing Commander II Missions 9 Series 5: Heaven's Gate Fighter: Epee Wingmate: Spirit VC: Kamekh & MB Win: 6 Lose: 11 It's time to assault the Kilrathi base at Heaven's Gate. Doomsday says that it's a hopeless suicide mission, but then he says that about everything. A Patrol 1 Jump Point and 2 Nav Points, then return to the Concordia Jump Point 4 Drakhri and Kamekh (Series victory condition) Nav 1 Clear Nav 2 4 Sartha Eject Concordia This mission is a simple patrol of a jump point and two nav points. You cannot land on the Concordia unless you take out the Kamekh, as the latter heading for your mother ship (if you are too weak to take it on, wait at the Concordia and see why corvettes should never attack carriers). B Escort two transports (Palamino and Dhalma), then check unknown bogeys Nav Point Palamino and Dhalma to be escorted Jump Point Palamino and Dhalma jump Unknown 4 Drakhri followed by 4 Jalkehi, (Jazz helps) Eject Concordia This mission is an escort followed by a recon on some unknown bogies. The escort mission is simple, but the bogies prove to be quite a battle. As for Jazz's abrupt appearance: that resulted in one of my most confusing moments in the game. C Solo Escort of Mama's Boy to the Concordia in an empty Epee Nav 1 3 Strakha Nav 2 5 Strakha Angicourt Angicourt and Mama's Boy (Series VC) Eject Concordia (but lose series) This mission is a solo that requires you to escort a missile freighter from the Angicourt. To empahsize how bad this missile shortage is, you have none for this mission. Of course, you also run into some stealth fighters (or are they pink elephants with wings?), just so everyone thinks you're crazy. D Strike against a space station in a Sabre with a Strike loadout Nav 1 Clear Nav 2 2 Sartha (Rakti Blooddrinker) Space station 3 Jalkahi, followed by 5 Drakhai Eject Concordia This mission is an assault on an enemy starbase. Here you meet the second ace, one Rakti "Blooddrinker". Hey, the Sartha ace isn't all that hot after all. As for the actual assault, can you say "Kamakazee"? Farewell Spirit, may you find Philip where you now are. Is it possible to lose Spirit before the scene? I don't know. If she says she's returning to base, she'll be at the space station when you get there. I've yet to see her die early. BTW, is you abort the mission, the program assumes you completed it. Wing Commander II Missions 10 Series 6: Tesla Fighter: Rapier Wingmate: Stingray VC: Automatic Win: 7 Lose: N/A Okay, you spend the next two weeks relaxing in Angel's arms. After that, it's time to get to work. There is a war on, remember? A Patrol 3 Nav Points and escort the Bonnie Heather to the Concordia Nav 1 3 Jalkehi in asteroids Nav 2 3 Grikath attacking the Bonnie Heather Nav 3 Clear Eject Concordia You are on patrol, again. As for the battle with the Jalkehi: why in Kilrathi Space would they hide a fighter that makes a Broadsword seem maneuverable in an asteroid field? I suppose they depend on their shields to protect them from collisions. Also, Paladin is back, and he needs to get to the Concordia. B Strike on Kilrathi transports Concordia-Transports 4 Sartha Transports 4 Jalkehi and 2 Dorkathi Eject Concordia This mission is an assault on some enemy transports. Not much more we can say on that. Dorkathi are dangerous opponents if you aren't careful, but dead meat if you are. C Escort Paladin to a jump point and then patrol for some bogeys Launch Bonnie Heather Nav Point 4 Drakhri Jump Point Bonnie Heather jumps out Bogeys 4 Jalkehi (Khasra), 2 Fralthra Eject Concordia You are to escort Paladin out system and then to check out some bogeys. As for the bogeys_stay out of the flak of the Fralthra as you fight the Jalkehi. Khasra's not all that tough, though any ace in a Jalkehi can turn a battle into a nightmare. D Escort the Willian Tell on a Strike Concordia 3 Grikath attacking the Concordia Ralatha 4 Jalkehi and 1 Ralatha Eject Concordia You are to escort the William Tell on an assault on a Ralatha. Hey, we finally get to use a capital ship for an offensive strike. Amazing! The Grikath at launch are the more dangerous opponent, as they are the ones equipped with torpedoes. I wonder, though. If the Confederation can refit other fighters to carry torps, can the Kilrathi do the same with theirs? I suspect a lot of admirals will lose sleep if asked that. Wing Commander II Missions 11 Series 7: Enigma Fighter: Broadsword Wingmate: Angel VC: K'titrak Mang Win: 8 Lose: 12 The Kilrathi are close to your heels and you must protect the Concordia as it evades the enemy. A Strike on unknown enemy activity and secure jump point for Concordia Unknown 3 Drakhri Jump Point Clear Jump Entry 3 Sartha and a Kamekh Eject Concordia You are to strike against some unknowns and then patrol the other side of a jump point. Yes, that's what a Broadsword is for: bait before a jump. B Strike against the Khorah Pakh listening post Launch Asteroids Nav 1 Asteroids Nav 2 Clear Khorah Pakh 3 Drakhri (Drakhai) and post, 4 Jalkehi Eject Concordia This mission is a strike against the Korah Pakh listening post. I find this the toughest mission in the Enigma campaign. First you have to weave your way through asteroids (well, I tend to blast my way through when in a Broadsword), then you reach a well defended listening post. Those Drakhri might not be much against a fast fighter, but they are a pain when they are piloted by Drakhai and you are in a Broadsword. Worse yet, your movements are hampered, as you must avoid getting too close to the listening post. I found that getting the third Drahkri is usually a matter of taunting and firing. SUCKER! Actually, if the last Drakhri isn't bothering you, you can make a go at the listening post. The Jalkehi are easier, if you aren't too battered, and the post is duck soup once the escort is knocked out. As for the asteroids, you may be well served to bypass Nav 1 and head directly for the listening post after leaving the launch asteroids. C Strike on enemy fleet and follow them to K'titrak Mang Jump Point 5 Jalkehi and a Ralatha After jump Same Ralatha (Series victory condition) Eject Concordia This mission is a strike against a Ralatha. Strangely enough, this time you have to let it jump away so that you can learn the way to K'titrak Mang system. Once you follow it, you can blow it up. If you fail to get the data and make the jump, then you'll be making a trip to series 12, where you return to Gwynedd. Wing Commander II Missions 12 Series 8: K'tithrak Mang Fighter: Sabre Wingmate: Jazz VC: Kill base Win: Victory Lose: Defeat You have now penetrated into enemy territory and are about to strike against the principal Kilrathi base in the Enigma Sector. If you fail here, you'll be stuck in hostile territory, so this series counts. A Strike on a Ralatha in a Sabre with a Strike loadout Ralatha 4 Jalkehi (Drakhai) and a Ralatha Concordia 3 Grikath attacking the Concordia Eject Kilrathi This mission is an attack against a Ralathra. This is one tough mission, as you must face Jalkehi Drakhai (much tougher than normal Jalkehi). And just when you thought it was all over, you then have to face Grikath attacking the Concordia. And you thought this would be easy? Remember that a Grikath can destroy the Concordia (yes, I have actually seen this happen), so don't piddle about. B Patrol 4 Nav Points and return to Concordia Nav 1 Asteroids Nav 2 5 Strakha Nav 3 Asteroids Nav 4 5 Strakha Eject Kilrathi You are to patrol through some asteroid fields. As for the Strakha, you finally have a witness that they are real. You even get a good recording of them to show Angel. C Capture Major Colson Nav Point Asteroids Jump Point Jazz Eject Kilrathi All right, so you get to blow Jazz out of space after all, or at least out of his fighter. Seems like your guardian Angel keeps you from solving the entire problem with a shot of a particle cannon. I hope his punishment for his treachery is severe. D Strike against K'titrak Mang in a Sabre with a Heavy Strike loadout Nav Point 3 Strakha K'titrak Mang Prince, followed by 4 Sartha (Drakhai) Eject Concordia (but lose) You are on patrol with Nightshade. Huh, you're not on the strike team? Well, let's fix that: "Hey Sparks!" Okay, now attack that starbase. My, she gave me six torpedoes. I'll have to get her a golden wrench for that. As for the Thrakhath, I think he's less proficient a fighter pilot than he claims. Wing Commander II Missions 13 Series 9: Ghorah Khar Fighter: Ferret Wingmate: None VC: Sable Star Win: 3 Lose: Defeat If you have trouble knocking out that Fralthra at Gwynedd, you'll leave for Ghorah Kar a little early (skipping Niven). If you win this series, you will remain in Ghorah Khar and fly series 3. A Patrol Nav Point and bring a message to Ghorah Khar Field HQ Nav Point 3 Jalkehi defending a Dorkathi minelayer Nav Point-Field HQ Minefield Eject Ghorah Khar For this mission, you are to get some trace information and bring a message to Ghorah Khar HQ (and I was thinking that tracer inforamtion required a Broadswords hyperdrive to work_so much for that theory). Be careful with the Dorkathi mine layer, as it tends to jump out if you wait too long. Speaking of mines, this is the only mission in the Enigma campaign where you actually have to travel through a minefield. Don't worry, you'll see plenty of mines in Special Operations. B Patrol Nav Point and return to the Concordia Nav 1 Receive distress signal from the Sable Star Sable Star 4 Drakhri attacking the Sable Star (Series VC) Eject Concordia This mission requires you to patrol a couple nav points and return to the Concordia. During this mission, you will have to divert to help the Sable Star, the real mission objective. C Patrol 3 Nav Points and return to the Concordia in a Broadsword Nav 1 4 Drakhri defending a Kamekh Nav 2 Clear Nav 3 Clear Nav 3-Concordia 4 Jalkehi Eject Concordia You are in patrol in a Broadsword. As I said in Niven, this is probably to get you a few hours in the craft. As you return, the treacherous murder takes place. I have no idea why they designate this as an escort mission, as the only thing being escorted is the Kamekh, and you are the one breaking up the party. D Patrol 3 Nav Points and return to the Concordia Nav 1 2 Strakha Nav 2 Asteroids Nav 3 5 Strakha Eject Concordia Another one of those stealth patrols. Ever wonder how the traitor always knows when you met these fighters and always manages to sabotage your recorder? I think someone is broadcasting your flight plan to the Kilrathi. So that's what they were discussing when that communications tech got killed! Wing Commander II Missions 14 Series 10: Novaya Kiev Fighter: Broadsword Wingmate: Doomsday VC: Fralthra/Pod Win: 5 Lose: Defeat Time to keep moving and to strike the Kilrathi wherever you can. This is the alternate version of series 4, and you get here if you failed to kill the Kamekh that was heading for Olympus. A Escort two Broadswords (Dart and Mangier) on a strike Concordia Rendevous with 2 Broadswords (Dart and Mangier) Flank 5 Drakhri Fralthra 4 Jalkehi defending a Fralthra (Series VC) Eject Concordia In this mission, you are to escort a pair of Broadswords to an attack on a Ralatha. Frankly, I think the escorting vessels should be something more maneuverable. Actually, the whole thing is best done in a Sabre, but I'm just a lowly Captain that's not well liked by the Admiral. I should note that I find the performance of the program in this mission to be by far the worst in the game. SLOOOOOOOW. If you can get WC2.EXE on RAMDISK (even if everything else is on regular disk), performace is improved from the normal intolerable level (but I still need a 486 to make the speed feel right). B Patrol 3 Nav Points and return to the Concordia Nav 1 Asteroids Nav 2 4 Drakhri Nav 3 4 Jalkehi Eject Concordia This mission is a standard patrol. It seems that Stingray managed to stay in his fighter this time, as it is not interrupted by a Search and Rescue as it is in Series 4. C Patrol 3 Nav Points and return to the Concordia Nav 1 2 Sartha Nav 2 Clear Nav 3 4 Jalkehi, followed by 5 Grikath Eject Concordia This mission is yet another patrol, and you are to be on the lookout for some Sartha. In a Broadsword? This must be that Admiral's idea. No wonder we're losing this war. D Solo rendevous with ship carrying vital information (collect data pod) Jump Point 4 Drakhri Jump Entry 2 Sartha and Ralatha near pod (Pod series VC) Eject Concordia You are to retrieve a communications pod (the ship that you were supposed to escort was destroyed before you got there). Use your FF's against the Sartha. Whenever I get close to killing the Ralathra, it jumps away, but it's better to get the data pod and lose the capital ship than it is to die. Wing Commander II Missions 15 Series 11: Tesla Fighter: Rapier Wingmate: Stingray VC: Both Ralatha Win: 7 Lose: Defeat Okay, you spend the next two weeks relaxing in Angel's arms. After that, it's time to get to work. There is a war on, remember? A Patrol 2 Nav Points and escort the Bonnie Heather back to the Concordia Nav 1 4 Drakhri Nav 2 3 Jalkehi attacking the Bonnie Heather Eject Concordia This is a standard patrol that gets interrupted by the arrival of the Bonnie Heather. Well, looks like it's time to help out Paladin one more time. B Escort the Willian Tell to attack a pair of Ralatha Concordia-Ralatha 4 Sartha (Drakhai) Ralatha 5 Jalkehi defending 2 Ralatha (Series VC) Eject Concordia You are to escort the William Tell to attack a Ralatha. This mission is similar to 6D, except that this time you run into Sartha piloted by Drakhai, instead of Grikath, along the way. The Tell must destroy both Ralatha in order for you to return to the winning path. I think the Tell cannot lose, so you just stay in your seat until the Ralatha is nailed. C Defend the Concordia Concordia 4 Jalkehi, followed by 6 Grikath (Drakhai) Eject Concordia You must defend the Concordia against enemy fighters. Careful here, as those Grikath can make living on the Concordia very uncomfortable. D Escort the Bonnie Heather to jump point Concordia 4 Grikath Bonnie Heather Bonnie Heather Jump Point 4 Jalhehi Eject Concordia You are to escort the Bonnie Heather out of the system. So long, Paladin. Perhaps we'll run into you in Special Operations. I notice a little quirk in this mission: if the Bonnie Heather jumps out of system while you are fighting the Jalkehi, the program does not recognize that it jumped, and so won't allow you to use Autopilot (the debriefing is correct, though). Wing Commander II Missions 16 Series 12: Gwynedd Fighter: Sabre Wingmate: Jazz VC: Kill attackers Win: Victory Lose: Defeat With your failure to locate K'tithrak Mang, you are now forced to defend Caerveron station, the last human hold in the Enigma Sector. If we lose here, all hope of victory would be lost. A Strike on Fralthra in a Sabre with a Heavy Strike loadout Launch 4 Grikath Nav 1 4 Drakhri Carriers 3 Jalkehi defending 2 Fralthra Eject Kilrathi This mission is an attack against a pair of Fralthra. Here's a real tough one, with enemy ships all over the place. Fortunately, the Fraltha crews are not the best in the Kilrathi fleet. B Patrol 4 Nav Points Nav 1 Asteroids Nav 2 3 Strakha Nav 3 Asteroids Nav 4 5 Strakha Eject Kilrathi This is a patrol through some asteroid fields. Finally, Strakha when you have a witness to say that they are real. You even get a good recording of them to show Angel. C Capture Major Colson Jump Point Jazz Eject Kilrathi All right, so you do get to blow Jazz out of space after all, or at least out of his fighter. Seems like your guardian Angel keeps you from from solving the entire problem with a shot of a particle beam. I hope his punishment for his treachery is severe. D Strike against enemy task force in a Sabre with a Heavy Strike loadout Nav Point Rest of patrol splits off Nav Point-PI 4 Sartha Principal Inbounds Thrakhath with Fralthra & Ralatha, 2 Jalkehi Eject Concordia, but lose campaign You are part of a five fighter splitting patrol. Huh, I'm not on the strike against the task force? Well, I can fix that: "Hey Sparks!" Okay, now attack that task force. Wing Commander II Missions 17 Special Operations 1 Series 1: Pembroke Fighter: Super Ferret Wingmate: Stingray VC: Secure jump Win: 2 Lose: 5A If you thought that the destruction of K'tithrak Mang would mean the end of Kilrathi presense in the Enigma sector, you're wrong. They are back, and Thrakhath is is not in a good mood. A Patrol 3 Nav Points and return to the Concordia Nav 1 3 Sartha (Drakhai) Nav 2 2 Sartha (Drakhai) Nav 3 4 Strakha defending a Kamekh Eject Concordia You start with a simple patrol (Drakhai and Strakha simple?). B Patrol 3 Nav Points and return to the Concordia Nav 1 2 Drakhri Nav 2 6 Grikath defending 2 Fralthra Nav 2-Nav 3 Asteroids Nav 3 Clear Eject Concordia You are patrolling the area for any incoming Kilrathi ships. You are given a Ferret, and so you are well equipped to run as soon as you run into that pair of Fralthra. I recommend escaping Nav 2 via Nav 1, unless you want to risk slamming into the asteroids between Nav 2 and Nav 3. C Defend Pembroke Station with Stingray and Doomsday in a Sabre Launch 4 Gothri and 2 Ralathra attacking the Concordia Concordia-Pembroke Minefield Pembroke 3 Grikath Eject Concordia You are to protect Pembroke station in a Sabre. In addition to Stingray, you also have Doomsday along (wonderful!). Here you have your first encounter with Gothri. They are tough! D Solo patrol to secure jump point in a Broadsword Minefield 3 Jalkehi Jump Point Clear Nav 1 4 Ferret Pirates (Series victory condition) Nav 2 Clear This is a solo run to secure the jump point to Rigel. As such, you are in a Broadsword, the slow and jump-capable bomber. You first have a little battle in a minefield (yikes!) against Jalkehi. If you think that's bad, wait until you see the mutineers piloting Ferrets. They can fly circles about you, but are easily blown to bits. Kill the Ferrets quickly, as you cannot afford to let them run away on you (you have to kill all the Ferrets to win the series). Take them out with FF and your Mass Drivers. Your gunners are likely to make things worse by taking a couple pot shots at the pirates and forcing them to retreat. Wing Commander II Missions 18 Series 2: Rigel Fighter: Epee Wingmate: Other VC: Destroy base Win: 3 Lose: Defeat You thought that the Kilrathi were your only problems? It seems like that the crew on the Gettysburg staged a little mutiny, and it's your job to either convince them to end their piratical dealings, or to blow up the base they captured. You can lose the first two missions without affecting the campaign. If you lose the third mission, you are sent to the alternate path (5B), as the final mission is launched from the Gettysburg. Since you reach the alternate path after the third mission, you will lose the campaign if you lose the final mission. A Patrol various points with Shelton and Sky Nav 1 3 Ferrets Nav 2 Clear Distress Signal 6 Epee Asteroids 2 Epee Eject Concordia You are on a patrol where you are to check out the condition of a Kilrathi Kamekh sending out a distress signal. As it turns out, your only enemy is a group of pirates. B Solo Patrol 2 Nav Points, then rendevous with Bear and Bodybag Nav 1 2 Epee Nav 2 2 Ferrets, followed by 2 Ferrets Rendevous Rendevous with Bear and Bodybag Nav 4 4 Epee Eject Concordia Patrol for pirates and rendevous with pilots from the Gettysburg. C Patrol to find the Gettysburg in a Sabre Nav 1 2 Ferrets, followed by 4 Ferrets Nav 2 2 Epee, followed by 2 Epee Nav 3 Receive coordinates from Gettysburg Gettysburg Contact made (Series victory condition) Eject Concordia You must contact the Gettysburg and convince them to return to the Confederation. Be careful when you find it, as I tend to crash into the capital ship as soon as I get out of autopilot. If you fail in this mission, you immediately go to Mission 5B. D Strike against Pirate base in a Crossbow Nav 1 Rendevous with 2 Clydesdales Nav 1-Jump Point 2 Epee Jump Point Clydesdales jump out Base 6 Epee defending a Pirate base (Campaign VC) Eject Concordia, but lose campaign Time to go after that pirate base.You have a little help from the Gettysburg crew, which should keep the heat off you long enough to finish off the enemy ships. The base is an anticlimax. Wing Commander II Missions 19 Series 3: Ghorah Khar A Fighter: Crossbow Wingmate: Hobbes VC: Data capsule Win: 4 Lose: 5C Your mission is to save Olympus Station and Ghorah Khar. This is actually an eight mission series divided into two parts. There's a bit of a continuity error here: since it's possible to win the Enigma campaign without saving Olympus, how do they have time to rebuild it in time for this campaign? A Solo Escort of the Bonnie Heather Jump Point 3 Drakhri (Drakhai) Jump Entry 4 Strakha (Drakhai) defending a Dorkathi Jump Entry-Olympus: 2 Strakha (Drakhai) Eject Olympus Time to escort the Bonnie Heather to Ghorah Khar. Since Hobbes is sitting in the rear, you are effectively flying this mission solo. B Solo escort Clydesdale to rendevous with Ralatha Sh'ar N'Tanya Nav 1 3 Jalkehi Sh'ar Rendevous with Sh'ar N'Tanya Sh'ar-Jump Point 2 Grikath Jump Point 2 Kamekh Nav 2 5 Drakhri Eject Olympus In this mission, you are to escort a Clydesdale to a friendly Ralatha (I suppose to make up for all those unfriendly Terran fighters). C Patrol with young fighter pilots (Starr, Rhino, Cafrelli) in a Sabre Nav 1 Rendevous with 3 Sabres Nav 2 4 Sartha defending a Kemekh Nav 3 5 Jalkehi (two are misidentified as Sartha) Eject Olympus You are to protect and teach several young fighter pilots (Starr, Rhino, and Cafrelli). This mission is a bit much for rookies to handle, so you will be expected to bail them out_as usual. D Strike enemy force and collect data pod in a Sabre Nav 1 4 Drakhri Mines 2 Grikath near a data pod (Series VC) Nav 3 4 Drakhri (Drakhai) Eject Olympus You are to collect a data capsule and destroy an enemy intelligance force. Be careful of that minefield. I find it best to fly abound the mines to a relatively clear area before picking up the pod, as I otherwise get blown up by the minefield. Wing Commander II Missions 20 Series 4: Ghorah Khar B Fighter: Crossbow Wingmate: Hobbes VC: Both Fralthra Win: Victory Lose: 5D This series is the continuation of the defense of Olympus. A Strike an enemy strike force Olympus-Task Force 3 Drakhri Task Force 4 Drakhri defending 2 Fralthra Task Force-Olympus 1 Drakhri Eject Olympus You are assaulting an enemy strike force. You run into two Fralthra in this one, but they will probably jump away before you can take them out. B Defend Olympus and Paladin Launch 3 Grikath and a Fralthra attacking Olympus Jump Entry 4 Jalkehi Bonnie Heather 2 Jalkehi attacking the Bonnie Heather Eject Kilrathi You must defend Olympus and then protect the Bonnie Heather. During the cinema scenes, you will capture the infamous heir to Kilrath. Thrakhath still doesn't seem all that impressive. C Solo patrol to recapture Prince Thrakhath Enemy 6 Gothri (Khasra) attacking Thrakhath Eject Kilrathi You are to recapture the prince and to fight Khassra. The prince will get away no matter what you would do, so I would suggest dealing with the enemy that's attempting to kill you. As for Khassra, his ejection seat won't work as well as it did in the Enigma campaign, so he won't be be coming back again. D Strike against enemy near Olympus in Sabre with a Heavy Strike loadout Olympus-Task Force Rendevous with Bear and Buell, fight 2 Sartha Task Force 4 Gothri defending 2 Fralthra (Series VC) Eject Kilrathi This mission is a strike against a pair of Fralthra. Don't assume that they'll be the usual lame capital ships that sit and wait for you to prepare your torpedoes, because they won't be. Also, they aim their anti-matter guns better than most capital ship crews. Watch out for the big blue balls and perhaps you'll eventually get your torpedoes through. Many have suggested that you attack the Fralthra from between the pair of them. Sounds scary to me, but they'll either have to stop shooting or risk wiping one another out. Finally, make sure that Bear and Buell don't accidentally shoot you down. Wing Commander II Missions 21 Series 5: Varies Fighter: Sabre Wingmate: Hobbes VC: Varies Win: Next Series Lose: Defeat This series contains the losing path missions for the other four series. If you lose a series, you will fly one of these missions in an opportunity to redeem yourself. If you fail, then I am afraid that the Kilrathi have gained a decisive victory. A Defend Concordia with Doomsday Launch 5 Gothri (Drakhai) and 2 Kamekh Eject Concordia, but lose campaign If you lose Series 1, you must defend the Concordia with Doomsday. Don't you love those Gothri? A victory here sends you to Series 2. B Strike against pirate base in a Broadsword Nav 1 Rendevous with 2 Clydesdales Jump Point Clydesdales jump out Base 5 Crossbows defending pirate base (Campaign VC) Eject Kilrathi If you failed to contact the Gettysburg in the third mission of Series 2, you will attack the pirate base in this mission. A victory here sends you to Series 3. Unlike the other three missions in this series, you will fly it after the third mission instead of the fourth. C Strike against enemy threatening a damaged friendly force Nav 1 4 Gothri fighting with 2 Sabres Nav 2 Clear Nav 2-Olympus: 4 Grikath Eject Olympus, but lose campaign After losing the third series, you and Hobbes are to escort a damaged friendly force. A victory here sends you to Series 4. D Strike against a Fralthra in a Sabre with a Heavy Strike loadout Task Force 5 Gothri defending a Fralthra, then 4 Gothri Eject Kilrathi The final mission is a last chance to save the campaign. You in a Sabre with Hobbes, with orders to destroy an enemy Fralthra that threatens to encircle the Concordia. A victory here wins the campaign. Wing Commander II Missions 22 Special Operations 2 Series 1: Canewdon A Fighter: Rapier Wingmate: Stingray VC: Rescue Minx Win: 2 Lose: 5A Okay, Jazz is being tried for treason and you finally get your your vacation. What more can you ask for? Surely things are finally going well, even with the recent Kilrathi counterattack in Deneb. But nothing's simple with the Kilrathi about. The Mandarins are getting more and more active, and the Kilrathi want copies of the latest Terran fighter: the Morningstar. Time to get back to work. A Solo Escort of Jazz to the Alcatraz Launch Rendevous with the Bastille Akko-Nav 1 4 Jalkethi (Drakhai) attacking freighters Nav 1 2 Sartha (Drakhai) attacking the Bastille Eject Concordia In the opener, you will escort Jazz to his execution. That would be wonderful, except that you run into Kilrathi attacking freighters along the way, which allows Jazz to escape. Sigh. Note that the navigation computer sends you to the Concordia early. B Patrol 3 Nav Points and an asteroid cluster Nav 1 3 Gothri Nav 2 4 Sartha defending a Dorkathi Nav 3 Clear Asteroids 4 Gothri Eject Concordia This is a simple patrol (Gothri simple?). C Rescue ejected pilot in a Sabre Asteroids 4 Grikath Nav 1 5 Drakhri with ejected pilot nearby (Series VC) Eject Concordia You are to rescue an ejected pilot, one Captain Maria "Minx" Grimaldi. I supposed Minx was likely to fall in to such a situation when she started flying with Maniac. D Solo escort of Maniac in a Sabre Nav 1 Maniac jumps Nav 2 Unarmed Kilrathi freighter (Gamal Gan) Nav 3 5 Jalkehi, followed by 4 Gothri Eject Concordia In this mission, you are to watch Maniac make a jump and then patrol the remaining Nav Points. You will run into an unarmed freighter along the way. Do not attack it, since killing it will get you courtmarshalled. As for those Gothri at Nav 3, I've only seen them once, and that was when the Nav 3 battle wandered over into Nav 2, so don't be surprised if you never see any. Wing Commander II Missions 23 Series 2: Canewdon B Fighter: Sabre Wingmate: Varies VC: Kamekh Win: 3 Lose: 5B You are going to be in Canewdon a while longer, trying to hold the line in the Deneb sector while the Terran battle fleet reorganizes itself. I have no idea what the victory conditions are, but I managed to lose this series. A Patrol with Maniac, Crossbones, and Talon in a Broadsword Nav 1 Clear Nav 2 4 Strakha Nav 3 1 Gothri Nav 4 4 Jalkehi Eject Concordia This is a patrol, with you in a Broadsword and Maniac's crew in Morningstars. I'm sure you were hoping never to fly with Maniac again. Well, you can't have everything can you? The lone Gothri pilot seems like the Kilrathi equivalent of Maniac. Most fitting to see the cat die. B Defend the Concordia with Stingray Concordia 6 Gothri and a Kamekh atacking the Concordia Eject Concordia Yet another one of those Concordia defense missions. I never did learn whether or not Gothri have torpedoes, but it's best not to take chances, especially with a Kamekh in the area. This mission can be very tedious, as the Gothri may flee for a while, and thus prevent you from landing until they return and get wiped out. The mission is also troublesome because you are thrown into the middle of a battle with too many ships and too little time to prepare. C Patrol asteroids and mines with Wasp Nav 1 3 Drakhri in asteroids Nav 2 3 Jalkehi Nav 3 5 Sartha in mines, but leave them at once Eject Concordia This is a patrol through asteroids and mines (yikes!) with Wasp (in other words, "Generic Pilot"). As for Nav 3, there are several Sartha hiding in a zone with a timed detonator. Leave at once! D Rescue Angel Nav 1 4 Gothri attacking Angel, battle (Series VC) Eject Concordia You must rescue Angel. Flying this mission proves that you do have your priorities straight . Wing Commander II Missions 24 Series 3: Canewdon C Fighter: Morningstar Wingmate: Maniac VC: Three Dorkathi Win: 4 Lose: 5C The fleet still hasn't reorganized itself, so we are still here. A Solo escort Coatmain and rendevous with Iguana in a Broadsword Concordia Coatmain Rendevous Rendevous with Iguana Nav 2 5 Drakhri & Ralathra Eject Concordia You are to meet the Mandarins for a prisoner exchange. Why are they shooting at you and the ship containing the prisoner you just received? Well, who ever claimed the Mandarins played fairly? You are flying solo in this one, but considering your company for the rest of the campaign, that might not be such a bad thing. B Patrol to find Minx Nav 1 Clear, but there are mines nearby Nav 2 4 Sartha Nav 3 2 Jalkehi Nav 4 3 Gothri Nav 5 1 Kamekh protecting 2 Dorkathi Eject Concordia You must search for Minx. Yep, Minx is a traitor. Good thing you stuck with Angel. Yes, I know you don't find her, but it's only sporting to try. You do find a great deal of Kilrathi, though. C Rendevous with Paladin in Grimalkin (formerly known as the Gamal Gan) Nav 1 2 Gothri and 3 Dorkathi (Series VC) Nav 2 5 Drakhri Nav 3 Rendevous with Grimalkin Eject Kilrathi In this mission, you are to rendevous with Paladin in that freighter you decided not to destroy earlier on (now you know why you can't afford to destroy it). As for the three Dorkathi: whoever sent them there with such a light escort was an idiot. Nice to see that the Kilrathi have their share of them. D Escort Paladin to jump point Nav 1 2 Strakha near a minefield Nav 2 4 Jalkehi Nav 3 2 Gothri (Drakhai) Eject Kilrathi You are to escort Paladin to the jump point out of system. Wing Commander II Missions 25 Series 4: Ayer's Rock Fighter: Morningstar Wingmate: Maniac VC: Kill Jazz Win: Victory Lose: 5D Yes, you are finally fighting a series in another system. Here you are at Ayer's Rock, where you must find out what happened to Minx and the stolen Morningstar, what the Mandarins are up to, and how to give the Kilrathi a lesson they'll never forget. A Defend Paladin Launch 5 Gothri Nav 1 5 Sartha Eject Kilrathi You are to defend Paladin's ship against enemy attack and then intercept a second wing of the enemy. B Intercept two groups of enemy fighters Nav 1 4 Sartha (Mandarin) Nav 2 4 Sabres defending 2 Fralthra Eject Kilrathi You are to intercept two groups of enemy fighters. The Sartha aren't all that much a problem (even with the human pilots), but the Sabres and Fralthra are a bit much. I even tried using the mace, but it obviously requires a technique that I lack. Fortunately, you don't need to get the Fralthra to win. C Destroy Ayer's Rock Launch-Nav 1 2 Kamekh Nav1 6 Sabres defending Ayer's Rock Eject Kilrathi Your mission is to destroy Ayer's Rock. This is another tough one, which is natural, since it is the destruction of the enemy base. Note that if you lose this mission, you lose it all, as even the losing path requires you to destroy the base to get there. D Get Jazz Nav 1 3 Sabres Jump Entry Jazz Eject Concordia, with Jazz escaping even if won This is "Capture Jazz, Round 2". Of course it's not easy. Perhaps this time he'll have the decency to die in battle. At least we cannot feel sorry about killing him, as he was already tried and sentenced to death. As for Maniac, do you think anyone will ever pick him up? This mission is effectively solo. Wing Commander II Missions 26 Series 5: Varies Fighter: Varies Wingmate: Varies VC: Varies Win: Next Series Lose: Defeat This series contains the losing path missions for the other four series. If you lose a series, you will fly one of these missions in an opportunity to redeem yourself. If you fail, then I am afraid that the Kilrathi have gained a decisive victory. A Patrol 3 Nav Points with Kaiser in a Sabre Nav 1 3 Grikath (Drakhai) Nav 2 3 Gothri and 4 Kamekh Nav 3 3 Sartha (the debriefing is wrong in its count) Eject Concordia, but lose campaign This is a patrol to intercept any enemy ships that may attack the Concordia. The enemy has a quarrel against you and your ship, and you'll have to fight to keep it in one piece. As for the battle with the Kamekh: one or two are a piece of cake, but four can give you a bad day if you aren't careful. A victory here sends you to Series 2 (you must take out all the Kamekh). B Patrol 3 Nav Points with Crossbones in a Broadsword Nav 1 2 Jalkehi (Drakhai) near asteroids Nav 2 5 Sartha defending a Fralthra Nav 3 1 Gothri (Drakhai) Eject Concordia, but lose campaign This is a patrol that has already been leaked to the Kilrathi. Who is the traitor that leaked it, and why does the traitor want you dead? Why it's being flown in a Broadsword in a real big mystery. A victory here sends you to Series 3 (the Fralthra is probably the key, but there is some inconsistency in results in my experience with this mission). C Intercept enemy fighters Nav 1 5 Sabres Nav 2 2 Broadswords Nav 3 Rendevous with Grimalkin Eject Kilrathi You must intercept an attacking enemy force so that you may continue your mission undetected. Here is your first possible encounter of Sabres being flown by the Mandarin. Ouch! D Solo Patrol 3 Nav Points and return to the Concordia in a Morningstar Nav 1 2 Jalkehi Nav 2 4 Drakhri Nav 3 3 Broadswords Eject Kilrathi This is a patrol to secure the jump point for the Concordia. You failed to get Jazz, but at least the base was destroyed. You really can't win at this point, but at least you'll get out alive. David S. "Center" Raley [72247, 1153]